Ka-Zar of Prehistoria Wiki

The Woolly Mammoth is a genus of mammoth that originated during the Middle Pleistocene epoch in what is now Siberia, later spreading towards Europe and North America. Standing nearly 5 meters tall and weighing around 12 tons, the Woolly Mammoth looked much like an elephant but was covered in thick fur, as it lived in the Ice Age. One of the many species of prehistoric elephantids, the Woolly Mammoth is also among the most famous prehistoric and extinct creatures of all time.

Ka-Zar of Prehistoria[]

Woolly Mammoths are known as Tandors by many Cavemen tribes and is one of the largest mammals in Prehistoria along with the Megatherium. Mammoths reside in every environment in Prehistoria including the plains of Sari and the tundras of Zanthodon. Tribes would hunt these pachyderms so they could have meat to survive in their savage world. The only creatures besides primitive man that would hunt Woolly Mammoths are large theropod dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus and mammalian predators such as Smilodon.

